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Rules & Policies

Rules & Policies

Before School

Before School

Kindergarten students report to the Kindergarten yard. First through fifth grade students report to the upper grade yard. We do not line up outside classrooms. Adult supervision on the playground begins 15 minutes before class time each day. No student should arrive earlier than 15 minutes before class begins.


Permission to Leave School Grounds

Oak Knoll is a closed campus. If a child has to leave the school grounds, a written request should be given to the office, and the responsible adult should sign the child out at the office.


Drug Policy

District Policy on Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

Because the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs adversely affects a student's ability to achieve academic success, is physically and emotionally harmful, and has serious social and legal consequences, the Governing Board has adopted policies to keep district schools free of these substances. Instructional programs will be provided which help students obtain and use current and accurate information, develop and maintain a positive self-concept, and use appropriate social and personal skills to resist involvement with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

The District has a responsibility to provide a safe and secure educational setting for all students and staff. Students possessing, selling and/or using alcohol, tobacco or other drugs or related paraphernalia will be subject to disciplinary procedures that may result in suspension or expulsion. The district will work closely with law enforcement agencies to ensure that laws are upheld on and about school campuses.

No Weapons

District Policy on Weapons

Possession of any weapon on campus is illegal. Weapons include, but are not limited to, the following: knives, razor blades, firearms, firecrackers and projectiles. Possession, use, transfer or sale of weapons will result in suspension and the possibility of expulsion. If the law has been broken, the Menlo Park Police will be notified.

Otter Expectations

For more information click here to review the Student Handbook.