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Specialist Programs

Steven Carringella

Mr. Carringella teachers our K-2 students Spanish, bringing to life Spanish culture and traditions in his weekly classroom lessons.

Kathy Murdock

Ms. Murdock brings her love of strings and orchestra to our fifth-grade students with two visits per week. In fifth grade, our students may choose to stay in Orff or take band or orchestra. All fifth graders see their music teacher twice a week.

Andy Ehling

Mr. Ehling teachers band including trumpet, trombone, flute, and more to our fifth-grade students and Orff to some of our K-2 classes. In fifth grade, our students may choose to stay in Orff or take band or orchestra. All fifth graders see their music teacher twice a week.

Rachel Knight

Ms. Knight works with our students to learn to love music and dance using the Orff program. She is also our musical director for the third-grade musical The Lion King and the fourth and fifth-grade musicals. In fifth grade, our students may choose to stay in Orff or take band or orchestra. All fifth graders see their music teacher twice a week.


Jayd Almquist

Mr. Almquist teaches Art to our students K-5. His philosophy is that elementary art should be fun, challenging, and based on passion and student creativity. Many of the art projects students create are based on art concepts and designs, while also incorporating art history. Students study Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, and Georgia O'Keefe to name a few. He encourages students to take risks in order to further develop independent thinking.

Jane Bennion

Ms. Bennion, our school librarian, teaches all students K-5 every week, helping them to find books of interest in different genres at their level. Additionally, she helps to develop our older students' research skills, based on the California State Reading and Writing standards, supporting them in finding credible sources on topics of interest.

Hope Scheid

Ms. Scheid teaches Physical Education to all students K-5, engaging them in fun sports and games that are tied to the California State standards and helps them to develop gross and fine motor skills. She sees all students 4-5 times per week, working with individual classes and larger grade level groups.

Alison Ziff

Maestra Ziff teaches our 3-5 world language and culture program. Students get the opportunity to develop as global citizens through interactive, explorative, and multi-modal activities such as song, theater, art, technology, writing, and more! They will be learning common and useful Spanish language, as well as developing cultural awareness in learning about different Spanish speaking countries and cultures.