There is a strict NO PARKING and NO STOPPING policy in the following areas on school days during both DROP-OFF and PICK-UP:
- On both sides of Oak Knoll Lane between Oak Avenue and White Oak Drive
- On both sides of White Oak Drive between Oak Knoll Lane and Oakfield Lane
- On both sides of Oakfield Lane
- On both sides of Oak Avenue between Lemon Street and Sandhill Road
- There is no parking from 7:45-8:15am AND 2:30-3:15pm and 1:00-1:45pm on Thursdays
Below is a map of the area around the school. If you are driving to school, the no parking areas are mapped out on the map below. The red line highlights the no parking areas. Please do not stop your car to drop off your child(ren) in these areas as you will be in the way of the bike route; you could be cited.
No Stopping/No Parking Sign Locations
Please remember:
- ALWAYS check for bikers and pedestrians before opening your car door.
- DO NOT park or leave your car where it will block traffic such as at an intersection, a crosswalk (marked or unmarked) or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. You may be cited by the police.
- ONLY park facing the same direction as the traffic. You may be cited for parking your car facing the opposite direction of traffic.
- When parking on any of the streets surrounding the school, PLEASE respect the residents and show consideration for pedestrians and bikers by parking your car so that it straddles the gutter leaving room for foot traffic to pass safely on the right.
- NO PARKING OR STOPPING from 7:45 to 8:15am on school days and from 2:30 to 3:15pm on school days except for Thursday from 1:00 to 1:45pm on the following streets:
- On both sides of Oak Knoll Lane between Oak Avenue and White Oak Drive
- On both sides of White Oak Drive between Oak Knoll Lane and Oakfield Lane
- On both sides of Oakfield Lane
- On both sides of Oak Avenue between Lemon Street and Sand Hill Road
- There are a limited number of visitor parking spaces in the school parking lot. Please do not park in the fire lane, reserved spaces or in spaces not designated for parking.