Organized by the Oak Knoll After School Athletics Program, the volleyball program is a recreational league for our 4th & 5th grade otters to compete against other area schools. Teams are formed with a mix of 4th & 5th graders, with girls teams playing in the Fall and boys teams playing during the Spring season. The children learn the basic skills of the game in a fun and encouraging environment on teams coached by parent volunteers. All practices are at Oak Knoll gyms, and games are held during the week at the Arrillaga Family Gymnasium at Burgess.
Registration is closed for the Fall 2024 girls season. We expect to announce registration for the Spring 2025 boys season in late winter.
For the game schedule, please visit the Menlo Park City’s Team Sideline website.
Program Goals
We encourage all parents — and coaches in particular — to carefully read the Oak Knoll After School Athletics program's philosophy and goals.
Our Otters need coaches! No experience necessary; volunteers will be provided with materials and guidance for managing practices and games. Please review the program goals on the main page to see if you're interested in volunteering and fill out this coaching interest form. Please email the After School Sports Committee with any questions.