After School Athletics
What does our committee do?
In the Fall, we organize 4th and 5th grade girls volleyball teams to play in the Burgess League. This involves notifying students when registration is open, registering players, recruiting coaches, organizing equipment and forming the teams. In November, we organize 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls and boys basketball teams to play on the Burgess League. The organizational duties are similar to those in volleyball.
What types of responsibilities do our volunteers help with?
- Notifying students when registration is open for both volleyball and basketball.
- Recruiting parents to volunteer as coaches.
- Organizing the equipment.
- Managing the on-line registration site and process.
When do we need you?
- We need the volunteers for volleyball during the 1st and 2nd week of school. We need volunteers for basketball during mid October through mid November.
How much time commitment is involved?
- The time commitment varies depending on the task, it could be from one hour to ten hours over a period of time.
Any special skills required?
- There are no special skills required, although good organizational and communication skills are a plus.
Interested in joining this committee?
Please refer to the PTO Committees table to contact the committee chair.