Kinder and New Family Welcome
What does our committee do?
The committee coordinates with the teachers & school office, plans the event, and runs the event. It is suggested that the chairs meet with the teachers in the spring to pick a date, plan the activities, and organize the schedule of which classes will come at what 45 minute time slot the day of the event. Over the summer, the committee gathers addresses from the school and mail's invites to kindergarten and new family parents and makes sure the school knows when the event is taking place. The committee also makes or buys any needed materials for the event and organizes 5th-grade volunteers if necessary. The day of the event, the committee has volunteers help sign parents in with name tags, handout any needed materials, direct the 5th graders to help the families through the activities, and supply snacks. At the end of the event, the committee cleans up and thanks to the teachers.
What types of responsibilities do our volunteers help with?
- Mailing invites
- Designing the activities
- Prepare handouts for parents, such as parking guide, pick-up/ drop-off guide, and volunteer information.
- Bringing snacks
- Gather list of mentor parents willing to guide parents
- Helping direct the activities the day of the event
- Greeting the parents
- Helping in each classroom to facilitate flow. Everyone should get to meet the teacher and then move on to the event and leave at the end of their assigned time to make room for the next group.
- Cleaning up
When do we need you?
- Summer. This activity takes place before school officially begins.
How much time commitment is involved?
- For the chair maybe 15-20 hours over the course of the summer.
Any special skills required?
It is probably most beneficial for a Kindergarten parent with older children at Oak Knoll to chair the event.
Interested in joining this committee?
Please refer to the PTO Committees table to contact the committee chair.