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Report an Absence (Safe Arrival)

Report an Absence or Tardy - Safe Arrival

Report and Absence (SafeArrival - School Messenger)

Improved Attendance Procedure: 

At Oak Knoll, safety is always one of our top priorities. Part of ensuring student safety is knowing that all of our students have arrived to school and are accounted for. To enhance our existing absence-checking procedure and verify student attendance more quickly, we use an efficient reporting system called SafeArrival. 

What is SafeArrival?

SafeArrival is an absence management system that improves student safety and makes it easy for you to let the school know about your child’s absence. You are asked to report your child’s absence in advance whenever possible using one of three convenient methods.

Why do I need a SchoolMessenger app account?

A SchoolMessenger app account is not required to use the toll-free phone line to report absences. However, we strongly recommend that you provide your email address to the school and set up your SchoolMessenger app account. This allows you to review and update absences, review your contact information and communication preferences and more.

Please see related SchoolMessenger app documentation for setting up your account, resetting your password, reviewing contact information, and specifying communication preferences. Once you have set up your account, choose ATTENDANCE from the menu.

If you cannot set up your account, you do not see the ATTENDANCE option, or you do not see your child(ren) listed in your account, please contact the school directly to check that your correct email address is associated with your child(ren).

Ways to Report and Absence:

SchoolMessenger app (free)

  1. Provide your email address to the school.
  2. Get the app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store (or from the links at
  3. Tap Sign Up to create your account.
  4. Select Attendance from the menu, and then select Report an Absence.

Web and Mobile Web:

  1. Provide your email address to the school.
  2. Go to the website.
  3. Click Sign Up to create your account.
  4. Select Attendance from the menu, then Select Report an Absence

Interactive Toll-free Phone: 

  1. Call the toll-free, interactive telephone system (844-290-7698) using a phone number you have on record with the district to identify you as a parent/guardian. 
  2. Follow the instructions to report an absence.

SafeArrival for Families FAQ (Adobe Acrobat File)

Request an Independent Study Plan (ISP)

Per Board Policy, students are eligible for an Independent Study if they are going to be absent for a minimum of 3 CONSECUTIVE school days. 14 SCHOOL DAYS is the MAXIMUM amount of time for students to be on Independent Study for an entire school year. ISPs ARE NOT issued for the first 2 weeks of school nor the last 2 weeks of school.
If students do NOT submit completed Independent Study work, their Independent Study will be marked INCOMPLETE and the absences will be considered UNEXCUSED.